Categoria : Pre-dinner
Mise en place : Vermouth Dry, Kirsch, Sciroppo di Fragole, Mixing Glass, Stir , Strainer.
In grammi
20 gr. di Kirsch
40 gr. di Dry Vermouth
3 dashes di Sciroppo di Fragole
In cl
2 cl di Kirsch
4 cl di Dry Vermouth
3 dashes di Sciroppo di Fragole
In once
3/4 oz. di di Kirsch
1 1/2 oz. di Dry Vermouth
3 dashes di Sciroppo di Fragole
Vecchia ricetta From "Straub's manual of mixed Jacques Straub
1/5 Jigger orange Juice.
1/5 Jigger grenadine syrup.
3/5 Jigger gin.
Shake well.
Guarnizione : //////
Tecnica di procedimento : (Stir & Strainer) si prepara nel Mixing glass con ghiaccio per poi filtrarlo con lo Strainer e si serve nella coppa cocktail.
Procedimento : raffreddare il bicchiere e il Mixing glass eliminando l’acqua prodotta in quest’ultima fase. Versare gli ingredienti , facendo attenzione che il ghiaccio sia cristallino ; miscelare e versare nella coppa.
Nel primo ricettario Iba del 1961 con la codifica :
2/3 Vermouth Dry
1/3 Kirsch
1 goccia di sciroppo di fragola
si prepara nel mixing-glass.
Coppetta da Cocktail.
Nel secondo ricettario Iba del 1987 con la codifica di:
Mixing glass
2/10 Cherry Brandy
2/10 Kirsch
6/10 Dry Vermouth
Cocktail glass
Decoration: a cherry.
Nel terzo ricettario Iba del 1993 con la codifica :
6/10 Vermouth dry
2/10 Kirsch
2/10 Cherry brandy
Mixing glass.
Coppetta cocktail.
Aggiungere una ciliegina.
Nel quarto ricettario Iba del 2004 (categoria Pre-Dinner) con la codifica :
4.5 cl Dry Vermouth
1.5 cl Kirsch
1 cl Cherry Brandy
Method : Stir
Glass : Cocktail
Garnish : Cherry
Nel quinto ricettario Iba del 2012 (categoria - Contemporary Classics) con la codifica :
2 cl Kirsch
4 cl Dry Vermouth
3 dashes Strawberry syrup
Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
Informazioni importanti ci vengono date da un importante ricettario; il manuale di un grande appassionato di un tempo David A. Embury, avvocato che nel 1948 pubblicherà "The Fine Art Of Mixing Drinks"; un vero ed unico testo ricco di informazioni "Storiche" nel mondo del Bartending.
Sarà proprio nelle pagine dedicate al "Rose Cocktail" che troveremo delle utili tracce.
Un drink, come ci descrive l'autore, in voga a Parigi tra gli anni 20 e 30.
Inoltre avremo una testimonianza importante lasciata da grande bartender di quei anni della splendida Parigi, Frank Meier; professionista presso il bar del Ritz Hotel.
Fu proprio Meier ad affermare che il "Rose Cocktail" fu creato dalle mani di un certo Johnny Mitta del Chatham Bar di Parigi; indicazioni che troveremo anche nel proprio manuale "The Artistry of Mixing Drinks" del 1936.
Un altra testimonianza è senza dubbio il ricettario di Harry MacElhone "Harry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails" che ci descrive come era la ricetta originale di Johnny del Chatham Bar di Parigi.
Secondo alcune fonti Harry's Bar si trova nella stessa strada dove sorgeva l'Hotel Chatham, in "Rue Daunon" ; quindi si suppone che le tracce riferite a Johnny Mitta siano del tutto fondate.
"The Fine Art Of Mixing Drinks" by David A. Embury
1 part Kirsch
2 part Noilly Prat Vermouth
1 teaspoonful Raspberry Syrup
to each drink
Stir. Decorate with a cherry. This drink can be greatly improved by using 1 part vermouth to 3 or 4 parts kirsch.
"The Artistry of Mixing Drinks" by Frank Meier
In mixing-glass : a teaspoon of Raspberry syrup,
one-third Kirsch, two-thirds French Vermouth,
stir well and serve
with Maraschino Cherry.
"Harry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails" by Harry MacElhone
Rose Cocktail
2/3 French Vermouth,
1/6 Kirschwasser,
1/6 Syrup Groseille.
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass, with cherry.
Tutti le ricette sono codifiche originali di Johnny Mitta del Chatham Bar di Parigi.
Proseguendo con il testo di David A. Embury; l'autore ci suggerirà successivamente delle tracce su un altro creatore di una ricetta che risulterà leggermente diversa per la presenza del liquore alla ciliegia; l'artefice è Albert del Chatham Bar.
NO.1, original by Johnny Milta of the Chatham Bar
1 part Kirsch
2 parts Noilly Prat Vermouth
1 teaspoonful Raspberry Syrup to each drink
Stir. Decorate with a cherry. This drink can be greatly improved by using 1 part vermouth to 3 or 4 parts kirsch.
by Albert of the Chatham Bar
Same as NO.1, but with the addition of a teaspoonful of cherry liqueur to each drink. The comments with respect to improving NO.1 apply equally to NO.2.
La ricetta di Albert comparirà per la prima volta in un manuale redatto nel 1929,"Cocktails de Paris" pubblicato da "La Maison du Cocktail" ed illustrato da Paul Colin; grande Grafico e Pubblicitario Francese.
In questa raccolta compariranno inoltre, ricette classiche e nuove di cui alcune che vinsero importanti concorsi.
Inoltre si avrà la collaborazione in questo ricettario di grandi barmen come Frank Meier.
Albert del Chatham Bar di Parigi comparirà anche per un altra ed interessante ricetta.
1/4 Campari
1/4 Vermouth Italien Cora
1/2 Gordon Gin
Servir avec un zeste de citron
Albert, du "Chatam"
Ritornando a ritroso negli anni, troveremo un altra interessante ricetta che compare nel manuale di Robert Vermeire del 1922 "Cocktails - How to Mix Them".
Rose Cocktail
Fill the bar glass half full of broken ice and add:
3 dashes of Grenadine.
1/4 gill of Dry Gin.
1/8 gill of French Vermouth.
1/8 gill of Dubonnet.
Stir up well, strain into a cocktail-glass, add a cherry, and squeeze lemon-peel on top.
Sidney Knight, the famous bar-tender of the Hotel Cecil in London, introduced this cocktail in London at the Alhambra Theatre many years ago.
Ingredienti diversi per un creatore differente che secondo alcune fonti fu creato intorno al 1870 in onore della Regina Vittoria dal Maître Sidney Knight dell' Hotel Cecil di Londra.
Indipendentemente dal creatore di ogni codifica riportata, Harry Craddock sarà il primo a racchiuderle tutte nel proprio ricettario del 1930; codificandole in due distinti stili.
Uno Inglese e l'altro Francese, con un totale di quattro ricette.
Ma non saranno tutte queste le uniche ricette che troveremo sotto il nome di "Rose Cocktail".
Jacques Straub, Sommelier e Manager del Pendennis Club in Kentucky, pubblicherà il suo manuale nel 1913, "Straub's manual of mixed drinks".
Un manuale che al suo interno possiamo trovare un proprio "Rose"; un mix che vede gin, granatina e succo d'arancia; una nuova codifica, un proprio cocktail.
Altro interessante traccia la troviamo del manuale del 1917, "Mrs. Norton's cook-book; selecting, cooking, and serving for the home table" di Jeanette Young Norton; un mix tra golden gin, vermouth e aqua di rose.
Probabilmente negli anni ogni singolo Bartenders creò un proprio "Rose Cocktail"; un proprio mix.
Forse ispirati dal colore rosa che il drink regalava alla vista.
1890 - From "Fort Worth Daily Gazette" - March 16
1914 - From "New-York Tribune". - June 11
1913 - From "Straub's manual of mixed drinks." by Jacques Straub
1917 - From "Mrs. Norton's cook-book" by Norton, Jeanette Young
1922 - From "Cocktails- How to Mix Them" by Robert Vermeire
Rose Cocktail
Fill the bar glass half full of broken ice and add:
3 dashes of Grenadine.
1/4 gill of Dry Gin.
1/8 gill of French Vermouth.
1/8 gill of Dubonnet.
Stir up well, strain into a cocktail-glass, add a cherry, and squeeze lemon-peel on top.
Sidney Knight, the famous bar-tender of the Hotel Cecil in London, introduced this cocktail in London at the Alhambra Theatre many years ago.
1923 - From "The Hebrew Standard of Australasia" - 21 September
1926 - From "Harry's ABC of Mixing Cocktails" by Harry MacElhone
1929 - From "Cocktails de Paris" by Rip - La Maison du Cocktail
1929 - From "Le Sommelier. Revue mensuelle officielle" de l'Union des sommeliers de Paris
1930 - From "The Savoy Cocktail Book" by Harry Craddock
1930 - From "Cocktail Bill" Boothby's World Drinks and How to Prepare Them" by William "Cocktail" Boothby
1930 - From "Cocktails by "Jimmy" late of CIRO'S"
2 parts Bacardi Rum
1 part Orange Juice.
Grenatine to taste.
1934 - From "The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book" by Albert Stevens Crockett (N.ed. del 2003)
One-fourth Grand Marnier
Three-quarters Dry Gin (Stir)
1934 - From "1700 Cocktails for the Man Behind the Bar"
1934 - From "The Artistry of Mixing Drinks" by Frank Meier
In mixing-glass : a teaspoon
of Raspberry syrup, one-third
Kirsch, two-thirds French Vermouth,
stir well and serve
with Maraschino Cherry.
This Cocktail, famous in Paris, was invented by "Johnny " Mitta of the Chatham Bar.
1935 - From "Along the wine trail - an anthology of wines and spirits" by G. Selmer Fougner
1936 - From "How to Mix Drinks" by Bill Edwards
1937 - From "Approved Cocktails" by Ukbg
2 drops Orange Bittes.
50% Gin.
50% Cherry Brandy.
Stir and serve into cocktail glass.
Add Maraschino cherry in glass.
1937 - From "Cafe Royal Cocktail Book compiled" by Willian J. Tarling
2 drops Orange Bittes.
1/2 Gin.
1/2 Cherry Brandy.
Stir and serve into cocktail glass.
Add Maraschino cherry in glass.
1945 - From "300 Ways to Mix Drinks" by R. M. Barrows and Betty Stone - Chicago Consolidated Book Publishers 1945
1948 - From "Bartender's Guide" by Trader Vic
1948 / 1958 - From "The Fine Art Of Mixing Drinks" by David A. Embury
ROSE Here is a cocktail that was highly popular in Paris during the twenties and early thirties. My good friend, Frank Meier, for thirty odd years the manager of the Ritz Bar in Paris, states that it was invented by Johnny Milta of the Chatham Bar in Paris. In a compilation called Cocktails de Paris, published by La Maison du Cocktail of Paris in 1929, a slightly different formula is credited to Albert of the Chatham. There are also several other formulas, both French and American. The distinguishing feature of all the recipes, of course, is the rose color of the drink. (Compare the Morning Rose, page 135.) Here are several of the various formulas:
NO.1, original by Johnny Milta of the Chatham Bar
1 part Kirsch
2 parts Noilly Prat Vermouth
1 teaspoonful Raspberry Syrup to each drink
Stir. Decorate with a cherry. This drink can be greatly improved by using 1 part vermouth to 3 or 4 parts kirsch.
by Albert of the Chatham Bar
Same as NO.1, but with the addition of a teaspoonful of cherry liqueur to each drink. The comments with respect to improving NO.1 apply equally to NO.2.
NO. 3,
also a Parisian recipe
1 part Noilly Prat Vermouth
4 parts Gin
1 teaspoonful Cherry Liqueur to each drink
Stir. Decorate with a cherry.
NO. 4
American recipe
1 part Noilly Prat Vermouth
1 part Dubonnet
8 parts Gin
1 teaspoonful Grenadine to each drink
Stir. Decorate with a cherry. A twist of lemon over each drink.
1948 - From "El Arte del Cantinero - Los vinos y los licores - La Habana 1948" by Hilario Alfonso Sanchez
2004 - From "Vintage Cocktails & Spirits" By Ted Haigh a.k.a. Dr. Cocktail
The Rose
2 Once (1/2 gill, 6 cl.) dry french vermouth
1 Once (1/4 gill, 3 cl.) Kirschwasser
1 teaspoon raspberry syrup
Shake in an iced cocktail shaker, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with maraschino cherry.
2006 - From "Mr. Boston - Platinum Edition"
1⁄2 oz. Apricot-flavored Brandy
1⁄2 oz. Dry Vermouth
1 oz. Gin
1⁄2 tsp. Lemon Juice
1 tsp. Grenadine
Shake with ice and strain into chilled, sugar-rimmed cocktail glass.
1⁄2 oz. Cherry-flavored Brandy
1⁄2 oz. Dry Vermouth
11⁄2 oz. Gin
Stir with ice and strain into chilled cocktail glass.
2006 - From (N.E. 1919) - "Harry's ABC of mixing cocktails" by Harry MacElhone with new material by Andrew & Ducan MacElhone
Rose Cocktail
1/6 Kirschwasser, 1/6 Syrup of Groseille, 2/3 Dry Vermouth. Stir and serve with cherry.
(Recipe: Johnny, Chatham Hotel Bar, Paris, 1919.)
Nowaday this cocktail is usually made as follows: 1/4 Gin, 1/4 Dry Vermouth, 1/4 Kirschwasser, 1/4 Cherry Brandy. Stir and serve with cherry.
2007 - From "The Museum Of The American Cocktail - Pocket Recipe Guide"
2 oz (60 ml) dry vermouth
1 oz (30 ml) kirschwasser
1tsp raspberry or red currant syrup
Stir well cracked ice.Strain into chilled cocktail glass and garnish with maraschino cherry.
This drink was invented by Johnny Mitta at the Chatham Bar in Paris, sometime before 1922.
2009 - From "Mr. Boston - Official Bartender's Guide" By Anthony Giglio with Jim Meehan
11⁄2 oz. Gin
3⁄4 oz. Apricot-flavored Brandy
3⁄4 oz. Dry Vermouth
1 tsp. Grenadine
1⁄4 tsp. Lemon Juice
Prepare rim of glass by rubbing with lemon and dipping in granulated sugar. Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry.
1⁄2 oz. Apricot-flavored Brandy
1⁄2 oz. Dry Vermouth
1 oz. Gin
1⁄2 tsp. Lemon Juice
1 tsp. Grenadine
Shake with ice and strain into chilled, sugar-rimmed cocktail glass.
1⁄2 oz. Cherry-flavored Brandy
1⁄2 oz. Dry Vermouth
11⁄2 oz. Gin
Stir with ice and strain into chilled cocktail glass.
Altri Cocktail simili:
1910 - "jack's manual" by Jack A. Grohusko
1/3 Cherry Brandy
1/3 Kirschwasser
1/3 French Vermouth.
Fill with cracked ice, and shake, strain and serve in cocktail glass.
1934 - From "Burke's Complete Cocktail and Tastybite Recipe" by Harman Burney Burke
2 Dry Gin
1 Cherry Brandy
1 Kirsch
Ice.-Stir well. Strain into Cocktail Glass.
(Drink Molto simile Rose Cocktail French Style riportato nel Savoy Cocktail Book).